We understand that sometimes plans change. The terms of your booking state that any deposits or any money paid are not refundable. You can see the terms here.
Sometimes, we may be able to offer flexibility if you cancel long enough in advance (this is usually around 6 months in advance of your trip’s departure date). If we are able to do this, we may transfer money you have already paid toward a future trip. However, this is not guaranteed, and our ability to transfer money paid does not alter the original terms of your booking. Rubicon 3 is under no obligation to explain the basis for its decision. Because all funds are held in a Protected Trust, we incur fees to make these changes, and there is significant administrative work involved on our side. For this reason, if we can transfer your deposit, a £50 administration fee will be charged. This payment is due at the time of cancellation if we agree to proceed with the transfer.
You now have two options
If you would like to cancel your booking but are requesting to transfer any money you have paid to a future booking, then please use the first email template.
If you would like to cancel your booking and do not wish to transfer your deposit to a future booking, then please use the second email template.
Whichever option you choose, an appropriately updated cancellation/transfer invoice will be sent to you.
Template 1: Request for Cancellation and Transfer of Monies Paid
To make this request, please use the following text in an email to info@rubicon3adventure.com, having filled in the relevant details. We will respond to your request within 48 hours, confirming whether we can accept it or not.
Name of Booking:
Date of Booking:
Booking Reference Number:
Trip Name:
Trip Start Date:
By sending this email, I request that my current booking be canceled and the monies paid be transferred to a future trip. I understand and agree to the following:
- Monies Paid Transfer: I am requesting that all monies paid toward my current trip be transferred to a future trip, with the understanding that:
- The new trip must depart within 12 months of the original trip’s departure date.
- If I do not select a new trip within this 12-month period, the monies paid will be forfeited.
- The transfer of monies paid is not guaranteed, and Rubicon 3 reserves the right to decline this request at its discretion. We are not obligated to provide the basis for our decision.
- This transfer does not alter the original terms of my booking.
- Non-refundable payments: I acknowledge that all payments, including the transferred monies, remain non-refundable as per the original terms and conditions of my booking.
- Administration fee: I agree to pay a £50 administration fee, which is due immediately upon Rubicon 3’s confirmation of the transfer, to cover the costs associated with this change.
- Insurance agreement: I confirm that I have not made any insurance claims related to this booking. I further agree to immediately notify Rubicon 3 if I do make such a claim in the future. I understand that requesting a transfer of monies paid while also making an insurance claim for the same amount may constitute fraud, and I accept full responsibility for ensuring this does not occur.
By sending this email, I confirm that I have read, understood, and accepted the terms of the cancellation and transfer of monies paid as outlined above.
Template 2: Request for Cancellation Without Deposit Transfer
Please copy and paste the text below into an email to info@rubicon3adventure.com, filling in the relevant details:
Name of Booking:
Date of Booking:
Booking Reference Number:
Trip Name:
Trip Start Date:
By sending this email, I request that my current booking be canceled. I understand and agree to the following:
- All payments, including my deposit, are non-refundable as per the original terms and conditions of my booking.
- By not requesting a transfer of my deposit, the deposit will be forfeited and cannot be applied to any future bookings.
By sending this email, I confirm that I have read, understood, and accepted the terms of the cancellation as outlined above.